The right numbers

Kyra is one of those people who needs to have the “right numbers” in her life. By that I mean when she’s adjusting the volume on her car stereo, she only uses even numbers. And not just any even number; she says things like 10 are out. So, 8 or 12 are acceptable. Or maybe 14.

The other day she was complaining about her drive from Utah to Montana to visit us. It was a little chilly outside, so she was using the heat in her car, which has one of those temperature dials. But 75 wasn’t the right number, and 74 didn’t work either (I’m not sure why– the rules are evidently complicated). So she’d have the heat on 73 but after a while the car would get too cool. She’d turn it up to 76, but that was too hot. She literally spent hours of her drive alternating between “a little too cool” and “a little too hot” because she couldn’t just set the dial to 74 or 75…