
We were grocery shopping today, and I decided to pick up some proper Halloween candy.

For some reason I can’t fully explain, the mellowcreme pumpkins taste so much better than candy corn. And two and a half pounds should last me a while. Woo hoo!


There are a bunch of feral cats roaming our apartment complex. I guess they just live here, like the feral roosters in Kauai. A few months ago one of our missionaries, Sister Johnson, named two of them. There’s Garfield, who’s (not surprisingly) an orange tabby. And there’s Gary, who’s… everyone else. Any time we see a cat that’s not an orange tabby, we just call him Gary.

Here’s Gary lounging on the apartment steps tonight:

There are at least a dozen Garys. There’s also a single all-black cat, who we’ve named Magic Gary since black cats always have a wizard somewhere nearby.

It’s fun to have Garys around– we usually pet them if we’re walking past and they don’t run away (they’re pretty skittish).


As seminary teachers, we’re always looking for fun ways to engage the youth in our discussions of the gospel. We struck upon the idea of using miniature Jesus figures. Today our Amazon Echo had a notification for us:

Good afternoon, Cosmo. Your Little Jesus has arrived.

I went out to the mailbox to get my box of 100 inch-high rubber Jesuses. We decided to call them Christitos (“little Christs”).

We haven’t yet figured out exactly what we’re going to do with them, but for starters I think we’re going to secretly tuck them into the missionaries’ bags. They’ll enjoy the mystery.