For the past year, Pepper and I have continued our decades-long tradition of making homemade pizza weekly, but with a twist: we’ve been making a half-dozen mini pizzas at a time, baking two for ourselves that night, and freezing the rest. Then, when a hankering for pizza strikes us, we pull these uncooked masterpieces out of the freezer, pop them into the oven, and in 15 minutes we have a delicious fresh hot pizza. Nice!
The other night we somehow got on the topic of our pizza tradition, and I mused about making pan-style pizzas. Since we turn a batch of dough into crusts for six pizzas, they’re each pretty thin and end up basically being baked tortillas when they’re done. Why not use a little more dough per pizza, and have a more substantial crust? I found some seven-inch pizza pans online, ordered them, and today I went to work.
I made the dough, prepared the toppings, and jammed everything into these four little pans. Bonus: double layers of toppings on all of them!

Now they’re sitting in the freezer, awaiting the real test. When I next have a hankering, I’ll put one of these puppies in the oven and see if this new style works out. And if not, it’s back to tortillas, which are still awesome.