New and old

After the latest missionary transfer, Pepper and I have enjoyed meeting the seven (!) new missionaries who joined our area. We’ve continued our tradition of taking each of them out for lunch or dinner, and then texting a photo to their moms. Moms love seeing their missionaries, and it’s so much fun to get a brief response about how proud they are of their son or daughter. It’s hard to be away from family for so long, and we’re honored to be a part of their “family away from family” for a short while.

Here are some of the new missionaries…

A week into each transfer, the missionaries all gather in San Diego for a conference. That’s a great time to learn together, and also to see the missionaries who had served here in the Valley but have since moved on to other assignments. So here are a few of the “old” missionaries we bumped into:

In addition, we also have opportunities to hang out with another group of “old” missionaries (although “senior” sounds better). We had lunch with the Quists…

… And we had to say goodbye to the Pages, who were the first ones we met when we arrived back in May. They’re heading home after a year and a half of faithful service.

Someday that’ll be us, riding off into the sunset, but for now it’s just a ton of fun to meet the new missionaries and catch up with the old ones. Onward!