
Today there was a rousing discussion on Slashdot about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and whether it’s “worth it”.

One of the most insightful comments was this:

SETI is a binary solution set. Until or unless SETI finds a transmission, it will have made no progress in finding one, only in not finding one.

However, once it finds one, numerous benefits accrue; some certain, some with varying degrees of probability.

First of all, we learn that we’re not alone, that we’re not unique. Numerous modes of thinking posit that we are alone, or not, and those modes will receive solid underpinnings instead of speculation. This has general value for future inferences, even for current inferences where confirmation agrees. Like most of science, where this may lead may not be immediately obvious, but again like most of science, the odds are high that it will lead somewhere productive. And this consequence is certain. For instance, it would mean a great deal to me to have something I consider to be extremely likely but impossible for me to personally confirm, confirmed by objective facts.

Second, it will have identified one of two things for us: either we have revealed a civilization that is just going through radio and is feeling pretty confident about itself and others, or it will have revealed a civilization that is much further along, and is interested in contact. The former would be a pretty huge coincidence, because broadcast radio is inefficient (witness our going to cable to preserve bandwidth, optical to increase it, satellite to ground to bolster reliability and coverage, various beam methods like lasers and tight focus radio to save energy and achieve reliability), so the odds strongly favor the latter– the 100-year-or-so window we used broadcast radio is closing as we consider this today. So most likely, we’ll have found life that is much further along than we are technologically, and looking for other life. It isn’t a huge stretch to assume that such a find would come hand in hand with new technology for us. After all, if they want us to hear them, either they want to talk, or they want to get rid of us. It seems like a lot of work to try to get rid of things you don’t even know are there, doesn’t it? Inefficient. And it doesn’t fit the mold… if they’re worried about us, then letting us know they are there in such a way that they can’t tell if we know or not is imprudent. So again, the odds fall on the side of life that can and is willing to benefit us.

Third (and we’re getting lower on the probability scale here) the transmission itself may contain immediately useful information for us. It could be anything. Make widgets like this. Don’t go to the 3rd planet of Beta Centauri. Cut it out with the nukes, idiots. Efficient space drive drive works like so. 42.

Lastly, and least likely, we could be handed a paradigm shift. Antigravity. FTL travel of any flavor. Additional physics. How to clean up our atmosphere. Things we cannot even vaguely imagine.

All of these things only require reception. If we add transmission back to a known source of an intelligent signal, now we’re talking interaction. That could be wild as well.

There may be gold mines for linguistics; for biology; for physics and all the sciences that are really corners of physics (chemistry, electronics, nuclear, etc.)

And in the meantime, SETI does something else for us. It serves as a focal point for a certain type of hope, a bright optimism, that I would really rather not see go away.

Amen, brother. SETI consumes a miniscule fraction of the money spent on worthless pursuits like warfare, and moreover it’s an entirely private effort– no government contribution at all, and thus no reason for people to gripe about the misuse of their taxes. As someone who has contributed over 14 years of computing time to the SETI@Home project, I’m very much in favor of continuing The Search.


Mmm… Windows Vista is so cool.

One wonders about all of the poor system administrators that have been tasked to upgrade their company’s computers to Vista, only to have all of their users get irate about the problems in Vista. Those problems range from stupid “change for the sake of change” (like moving menus and options to weird new places with no real reason) to the timeless stability and security problems Windows seems to have.

I’ll just continue to use Linux/KDE and love it.


Tonight we had our annual neighborhood pumpkin-carving party, and had a pretty big crowd. Our whole downstairs was filled with pumpkin guts and laughing kids, so it was all good.

Although Zack got as far as scooping out his pumpkin, after that chore he decided it would be more fun to run around the backyard screaming with his friends. Still, Alex and Kyra carved some nice ones, and of course I did my usual “Classic Jack” job.


It’s not Halloween just yet, but tonight there was a spooky moon. It’s just past full, of course, and the clouds were pretty thick. Every now and then the moon would peek through a break in the clouds. I pulled out my camera and tripod and did a bit of experimentation with night photography.

It doesn’t quite do justice to the scene, but it’s not too bad.


Stephen Colbert’s “campaign” seems to be gaining a lot of momentum.  At least a million Facebook users have joined his group, far surpassing similar groups for Obama and Clinton, and it’s all happened in less than two weeks.  I even saw a headline the other day that in an informal survey, 13% of voters said they’d choose him over Clinton or Guiliani.

I’ve said that I’ll vote for him, but then I started to wonder: when it’s time to actually cast a ballot, would I do it?  Would I really write in his name and make it real?  Will others?  Sure, it’s a funny
situation and we can all say “well, I’d rather have him than McCain” or whatever, but I’m curious whether people will stand by that when it’s time to drop it in the ballot box.

Would you vote for him?  Really?


We all know the saga of Senator Larry “I’m Not Gay” Craig, who was caught soliciting sex in a men’s room, pleaded guilty and said he’d resign his Senate seat, then changed his mind about resigning and asked the judge if he could retract his plea. Now, despite the fact that the Republican leadership in the Senate probably wishes he would just go away, he continues his valiant fight to make himself look like an even bigger idiot. Apparently he’s claiming now that the actions he took in the bathroom should be protected under the First Amendment, and therefore his guilty plea is unconstitutional. Voila!

Is it just me, or is this just about the lamest way to drag your career back on track? The guy has no credibility whatsoever– heck, if there was a quantitative way to measure credibility his would probably be negative. And it seems like he and his crack legal team are continually coming up with inventive ways to “undo” his guilty plea. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. And I’d bet a large sum of money that the Good People of Idaho won’t be re-electing him for another term.


Yesterday the White House Press Secretary, Dana Perino, was giving a teleconference and mentioned that global warming and associated climate changes are actually a good thing.

Puzzled, one of the reporters in the crowd asked her:

You mentioned that there are health benefits to climate change. Could you describe some of those?

Her answer is stupendous in its stupidity.

Sure. Many people die from cold-related deaths every winter. And there are studies that say that climate change in certain areas of the world would help those individuals.

So she’s saying that because some people die of the cold, having the entire planet get warmer would help those people! Yaaaay! Go global warming!