
When it’s 11:00 at night and you’ve been working for 10+ hours, and all of a sudden there’s some kind of weird power spike that shuts off all electrical devices in the room (computer, monitors, network switch, printer, stereo), it’s probably a sign that you should stop working.


Nine hundred billion dollars.

Last year we heard promises that the unimaginably large $750 billion federal bailout would kick our economy into shape and get credit flowing again and unlock the world’s markets. It hasn’t even been six months and now Congress is putting the “finishing touches” on another $900 billion. Will this one save the world?

I doubt it.


Geek alert:

On Friday February 13 2009 at 04:31:30pm MST the Unix timestamp will be 1234567890.

That’s the number of seconds since the Unix epoch began (January 1 1970). I also used SSE (seconds since epoch) in all of my orbital analysis work back when I was a rocket scientist. Cool.