
Laralee was shopping with Kyra yesterday, hitting thrift shops around the area in search of a princess costume for Halloween. As it turns out, Kyra fell in love with an outfit I can only describe as “pirate wench”. It looks really cool, and I’ll have to take some pictures on the big day.

But anyway, along the way she found a pogo stick, of all things. Who knew they even made pogo sticks any more? For two bucks it seemed like a good deal, so she bought it. Zack absolutely loves it.

He spent an hour bouncing around the driveway today, and managed to do 112 bounces in a row. What a stud.


Food for thought from Seth Godin:

If you ask people for the next task on their list, if you allow them to define the thing they are buying from you, you have abdicated responsibility. Your work product becomes dependent on the insight and guts of the person giving you an assignment. This is especially dangerous for consultants and freelancers, because the answer might be, “nothing.” Or it might be a paying gig that’s profitable in the short run but a career deadener over time.

It’s far better to reach a level of confidence and skill where you can describe solutions rather than ask for tasks.


Just spent two days in Mountain View CA visiting Google. The “official” reason for the trip was a launch party for a project I didn’t really even work on, so I was thrilled just to be a part of the boondoggle. Good times, good folks, and a thorough demonstration of how Google treats their employees the right way. If I ever stopped running my own company to join the rat race again, the Goog is the first place I’d apply.