
Today was sunny and almost 70 degrees, so I was able (finally!) to play ultimate in bare feet. It’s been many months since the ground was soft enough– and warm enough– to do that. Nice.


Today’s grammar police bring you this gem from an email sent by a woman at an agency I’m working with:

If I can be of assistance to you please do not hesitate to reach out and contact myself.

That’s “me”, not “myself”. I think it’s a result of kids being taught from their youth that they should always say things like “him and I” when it’s properly “him and me”. People are afraid to use the word “me”, so it’s like they grope for a word that’s similar and end up with “I” or “myself” or whatever.

By the way, I realize that my first sentence should properly end with “… at an agency with which I’m working”. Never end a sentence with a preposition.


With some help from Josh and his Mac, I finally hacked my Apple TV and now I’ve got a sweet little media center. We’re watching previews online… Laralee is making all of us laugh by picking movies like “Hello Dolly” and “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”. The movies back in the 60’s had previews that make you want to poke your eyes out. I don’t know why people went to see movies back then, after seeing the trailers.

But anyway, despite Apple’s stupid iTunes lockdown, now that I have XBMC installed on the Apple TV it’s actually useful. Shout out to the guys out there who come up with the jailbreaks to do this.


This is a first. I have a conference call with one of my clients tomorrow, and they want to talk about restructuring their web site. To prepare for the call they sent a document with scans of their “wireframes”:

And then a video that shows the meeting where they discussed all of this. The video is an hour long and includes riveting scenes like this:

Basically I’m supposed to watch the meeting to “get some context” prior to the call. Hoo boy.


On Saturday we went to a Cub Scout fundraiser and bid on an air hockey table someone had donated to be auctioned. We bid $5, the recommended minimum, and waited for others to bid up the price. No one did. I felt kind of bad getting a nice air hockey table for five bucks, so I told Kyra we should outbid ourselves at $25. She wrote it on the bid sheet and we waited again. Still no one.

So, hey, we ended up with a $25 air hockey table. It’s great fun. Of course it takes up a bunch of space in the basement, but it’s worth it.