Well, this is very un-Colorado-like:
I feel like I moved to Seattle!
Sometimes funny, sometimes thoughtful, always a good time
I’m in the market for an old Macbook Air for Kyra (to use for school). I found what seemed to be a pretty good price on eBay, until I looked at the fine print in the description:
Umm… it works “really well” but the screen is broken? Clearly this guy’s definition of “really well” is a little different than mine.
The first computer I bought cost $2,500. It was an Apple IIgs and it was awesome. The year? 1990.
A year later I sold that and bought an Intel-based PC. It screamed along with a 33MHz i386 processor and 4MB of memory. Two thousand clams.
Last night I read about the Cubox. It’s a cube two inches on a side, and it’s a full desktop-capable computer with HD video output, 3D graphics, networking, wireless and Bluetooth connectivity, USB outputs, a SATA connection for an external hard drive, yada yada. In short, it’s probably a thousand times more powerful than my first computer. The cost? $45.
Isn’t technological progress wonderful?
Today I’m getting a bunch of spam messages from someone who’s a very bad spammer. They apparently forgot to set up their “Robomail” software, because all I’m getting in the emails is a list of the variables they could use to construct their spammy goodness.
Come on, man, if you’re going to be a sleazy spammer, at least figure out how to use the dang software.