After about two weeks in the Missionary Training Center, Kyra flew to her mission area today. She had to wake up at 3 in the morning so she could catch her 7am flight from Salt Lake City to Phoenix, then had a two-hour layover before flying to Bakersfield, California. Knowing how hard it is for her to miss her beauty sleep, I’m sure she was pretty exhausted when she finally arrived in the mid-afternoon.
This evening we received an email from the mission office with the happy subject line “your daughter has arrived”. Here she is with President Layton (her mission president) and his wife.

And the adventure begins! Bakersfield doesn’t have the greatest reputation as a city, and in fact several people have commented about how it’s hot, smelly, and kind of ugly. Someone called it the “armpit of California”. Well, today Laralee wrote an email to Kyra with this inspiring wisdom:
You’ll be the deodorant for the armpit of California.