
While driving along the highway in Utah, Pepper, Kyra, and I noticed a bunch of little specks in the sky. Squinting a bit, we realized they were paragliders! Paragliders by the dozens. We drove up to the top of a huge hill (the “point of the mountain” in Utah-ese) to their takeoff/landing area.

We sat on the grass with a few dozen other people, watching the gliders leap from the cliff (in the background of the photo above) and come in for landings (in the middle area). Above, there were probably around fifty people sailing in slow circles on the thermals. It was awesome.

Honestly, it didn’t look all that hard. Pepper even commented that she’d love to do it sometime. Heck, maybe I’ll take her up on it one of these days…

Teeny fedora

Kaitlyn saw a little toddler-sized fedora and felt like she just had to get it for Ollie. He’s not quite big enough yet:

On the other hand, the hat’s a wee bit too small for the grown-ups:

Chip off the ol’ block

It was kind of hard to watch Alex playing ultimate with his BYU intramural team, and not be able to play. It’s been almost two years since I was in a game of ultimate… hopefully I’ll have a chance to throw a few poorly-executed hammers later this summer.

On the other hand, though, it was fun to see Alex using some cool moves on the field.

Is it bragging to say I taught him everything he knows?