
One of my 2013 resolutions is not to work on Saturdays. For the last decade I’ve generally worked every Saturday and most evenings (late into the night). I’ve decided it’s time to stop that, and trust that my business will soldier on even if I’m not putting in 50 hours a week year after year.

Today is the first Saturday of the year, of course, so I put the resolution to the test. I went down to my office because I had to do a few things on the computer this morning (not related to Zing). While there, I opened one of my desk drawers and noticed the hundred hanging file folders with old client files. There were actually two drawers with files like these; the newest ones date back to 2006. I thought it would be good to clean them out. So I went through each folder, looking for anything that might be worth saving for some kind of later purpose. I ran a few things through my scanner: receipts for big-ticket items, some tax and legal stuff, and a few other things that might come in handy one day. When finished, I tossed everything into the recycling bin. I brushed my hands, heaved a happy sigh, and felt good that my desk drawers were now empty.

I also cleaned out my inbox– a physical inbox on the desk, not a digital inbox for e-mail. In it I found an old letter from Zack to Santa. I think he wrote it several years ago; I’m not sure how it ended up in my inbox and sat there for years. But anyway, I got a chuckle out of it and thought I’d scan it for posterity. Here it is:

Handwriting aside, it clearly shows a well-thought-out logic. Introduce the topic, list the things you want, mention how good you’ve been, and finish with a little bit of flattery. Nice!