Now what?

Last week I was released from my position as first counselor in our church congregation. I’d served there for almost five years, responsible for helping many of the people and organizations with various things. I worked side-by-side with the bishop, my good friend Matt, who always seemed far busier than me, and my other good friend Jason. Now that the three of us have been replaced by a new group, I have this strange feeling… what do I do with my Sundays?

It reminded me of Inigo at the end of The Princess Bride, when he mentions to Westley, “I’ve been in the revenge business so long, now that it’s over I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life.”


To which Westley replies, “Have you considered piracy? You’d make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts!”

I no longer have two hours of meetings before church, two hours after church, and several more hours of appointments and other service. Gone are the Sundays where I’d spend 10+ hours on church business, plus hours throughout the week meeting with people, hanging out at youth activities, going to camps, and whatnot. I’ve been in the bishopric so long, now that it’s over I don’t know what to do with the rest of my Sunday.

Heh, maybe piracy.