
Today there was a company-wide email exchange that ended up turning nasty.

Brent: I’m going out or ordering in lunch if anyone is game.  I’d like to eat an animal of some sort, grilled.

Me: Brian and I were bantering about the idea of Freddy’s…

Brent: I see your Freddy’s and raise you a Chuburger!​

Mike: I would be in for Freddy’s; Chuburger let me down last time.

Grant: I’m good for Freddy’s.

Ben: I’ll go.

Brent: Freddy’s is a great choice for kids and diarrhea. Bring me back a paper hat or something.

Ouch. Clearly Brent isn’t a fan of Freddy’s, although most of the team isn’t fond of Chuburger (home of unseasoned meat and soggy grease fries). Five of us headed over to Freddy’s without him, and when I came up to the register I asked the guy if I could get a paper hat for a friend. He told me they don’t have any paper hats, but he would look around to see if he could find a real hat.

The result:


Free hat, ohhh yeah. Brent’s jealous now.