Well, everything worked.
This morning, about an hour and a half ago, I flipped the proverbial switch to transfer all of the web sites, e-mail boxes, and databases from my old co-location provider to my new one. This affects about a hundred different companies and people who are hosting their stuff on my servers, so it was something I’ve been carefully planning for the past few weeks.
A few really late nights this week were spent figuring out how to configure the firewall, redirect traffic when domain servers around the world took their time updating themselves, and so on. But it paid off, because when I flipped the switch everything flowed smoothly to the new server.
There are a couple of people I need to call because they (apparently) ignored my warning about changing their DNS, and they’ll be unpleasantly surprised on Monday morning when their web site is down. But everyone else is good to go, and I’m thrilled that it went as well as it did.