The latest game

During our visit to Utah last weekend, I asked my nephew (who’s a big board gamer) what the best board game of all time is. Without hesitation, he said “Terra Mystica”. He explained that it’s pretty complicated, but once you learn to play, it’s fantastic. When we came home, I burned a couple of Amazon gift cards to buy it, and Zaque and I gave it a whirl this afternoon.

Complicated? Uhh, yeah…

The box weighed several pounds, and it took us fifteen minutes just to set up the board. Then we spent about an hour reading the rules.

Due to a Dungeons and Dragons engagement, Zaque couldn’t stay for the end of the game, but we’ll wrap it up tomorrow. So far I can say it’s interesting, and indeed, once we learn how to play I suspect it’ll be a pretty good challenge. But the verdict is still out whether it’s the best board game of all time…