Hey I got a story

As Zaque continues serving his mission, he has opportunities every Monday to write emails to people (which I forward on to a larger group), and if he’d like, he can use Google Hangouts to chat with his family. For the past two weeks, he’s attempted to chat with me, but both times Pepper and I were in the middle of something– once in town, and once at a friend’s house– so we couldn’t engage. Last week he chatted with Kyra, and this was one thing he wrote to her:


So basically I came home and decided I wanted grilled cheese. Like realllllllllly wanted grilled cheese. So I made 3 grilled cheeses and drank a big glass of milk. So I’m just like, “Shoot, I won’t be able to poop for a week!” So then I just start eating a bunch of Hot Cheetos, hoping that they will, through black magic, somehow cancel each other out and I can poop regularly.

Not gonna lie. My poopin’s been good.

So I guess it worked. It’s all about the miracles of God.