Apparently when you live in Montana, everyone has expectations about things you own. A truck, a chainsaw, and a gun are standard fare around here. We checked one of these off our list when we bought a chainsaw. And today we sort of checked off another when we opened a mystery Christmas gift and discovered a rifle.

After scratching our heads a bit, we realized that our niece Tara had sent us a BB gun as a joke. Something about being “mountain folk” and “scaring off the critters” that roam our property. After a good laugh, we went outside and practiced. I pulled out my old BB pistol from college, which had been in a box for a few decades until I’d needed it for a certain Christmas card.

Even Santa got in on the action:

Kyra and Kaitlyn were crack shots. They nailed a glass bottle and a box of eggnog, respectively. (You can even see the holes if you look closely!)

It was surprising how powerful this little guy was. We were shooting across the courtyard, which is a distance of maybe forty feet, and the BBs were going straight through our targets and landing somewhere in the forest.
Alex took out a root beer can, and posed with his trophy. He either looks like a Sears clothing ad, or some kind of NRA poster boy.

Of course we have no plans to get a “real” gun, and I still love my Honda Civic and don’t want to trade for a truck. I guess we’re not true Montanans just yet.