The big screen

“Go big or go home”, they say. Well, we have a lot of wall space in the lounge of our party house, and our 70-inch TV seemed kind of small against it. But really big TVs are expensive– it’s much cheaper to buy a nice projector. So that’s what we did.

Now we can watch movies that literally take most of the wall. The screen is about six feet high and around eleven feet wide (150″ diagonal, if you’re doing the math). It’s a little hard to see during the day, unfortunately, but at night it’s awesome.

Here’s Kyra beside the screen, for scale:

I’m reminded of Weird Al’s famous song “Frank’s 2000-inch TV”, which includes the timeless lyric

The picture’s crystal clear and everything is magnified
Robert De Niro’s mole has got to be ten feet wide…

We pulled up a Robert De Niro movie to test this. It’s Stardust, one of my all-time favorites. Here’s his mole:

Okay, maybe not ten feet wide, but still pretty impressive.

Anyone want to see a movie on the big screen? Come on over!