After a two-month marathon, with several false starts and broken promises from the furniture store, we finally received the last of our new furniture. We wanted to replace the old mint-green couch the former owners of the house had left us, along with the heavily-worn area rug, ancient kitchen table, and the black headboard for our bedroom. Although it was nice to move into a house that had all of those, over time we decided it would be good to move beyond the “late 90’s” look the former occupants had used in their decorating.
Now we have a beautiful walnut headboard, complete with some nice storage nooks:

A nice little counter-height kitchen table, perfect for the two of us (well, three, since Kyra’s living here for the summer):

And a gorgeous new couch that’s easily the most comfortable couch I’ve ever had the pleasure of sitting in:

Oh, and notice the new area rug, which actually matches quite well. Considering we’re not interior decorators by a long stretch, I think we did a decent job finding three different pieces of furniture (table, couch, and coffee table) as well as a rug that all go well together.

Also, we’ve blown our furniture budget, so I hope we’re good for many years now…