Yes, again

I feel like I should start getting to know the rangers at Glacier National Park, since we visit so often. Now that Kurt and Megan are here, of course we had to take them on the tour. It was another “moody” day, with clouds looming overhead.

That didn’t stop us from having fun and nearly falling off a dock at Lake McDonald.

Here’s the gang.

The Trail of the Cedars was… green.

Since we’re getting to know the west side of the park really well (the east side is still closed), we know which places to stop at, and which we can blow past. One of our favorites is a spot near the south end of Lake McDonald, where you can skip stones. And yes, the rocks are really as colorful as legends say.

Pepper showed Megan proper skipping technique.

It didn’t really help. I think Megan’s record number of skips was… two?

No matter– it was still a really fun time.