Many times as we’re driving around, I notice a really cool scene out the car window. More often than not, I didn’t bring my “good” camera– my sweet Canon DSLR– and have to decide whether it’s worth a shot on my phone. (To be fair, sometimes Thom snaps “candid shots” out his car window with his ancient iPhone, and those pictures tend to be pretty nice.) Although it’s difficult to get a decent shot at 70mph, every now and then I get lucky.
An example of a cool car-window shot is last week’s low-hanging clouds. I dredged up a few others from recent excursions.
I love how the sunlight is dappled across this hilltop in Idaho:

Or the moody clouds hanging over the mountains near Missoula:

How about these late afternoon clouds, shot from the highway overlooking Flathead Lake:

Or this fiery sunset from exactly the same spot, a few months earlier:

I guess I need to keep watching the scenery as we’re zooming along the highway, and I should probably bring my good camera more often…