#givethanks 4

It took a little convincing to get me to agree to a third child. Okay, it took a lot of convincing. But when I think about kids I’m thankful for, Zaque definitely makes the cut. He’s always been kind of a punk– the kid who defied the rules, blatantly, with a wicked smile on his face. He’s the kid who backed into the garage door while it was still closed, who smashed the car window trying to crack ice on it, who screamed and sang songs while playing video games with friends late at night.

Yet beneath all the craziness, Zaque was somehow always responsible, always staying true to his word. His sense of humor is unparalleled, and I have to admit he’s the one who makes me laugh the most. He’s incredibly clever and has a razor-sharp wit.

It’s been amazing to watch his personal journey while he’s serving a mission, as he’s taken that goofy demeanor and put it to work sharing the gospel with others.

He’s become more thoughtful, more caring, and more wise.

He and I both agree that generally speaking, we always “get” each other’s jokes while people around us are scratching their heads and wondering why the two of us are laughing so hard.

Zaque is amazing, and I couldn’t be more proud of this punk.