#givethanks 5

As Zaque would say, “Like many people, I was born at a very young age”…

No list of things I’m thankful for would be complete without mentioning my parents. Mom and Dad are two of the most amazing people in my life, and I can see so many traits in me that I learned from them. It’s been more than fifty years since they made it official:

My dad taught me to be a hard worker. He was the guy who worked the same job for 40+ years, amassing something like 3 years of sick leave by the time he retired, because he just went and did the job. I love how he just does what needs to be done, without hesitation and without complaint.

He’s also a fantastic grandpa. My kids were talking this morning about how they loved playing games with Grandpa because he would play whatever they asked, and never seemed to mind whether he won or lost. He’s one of the most easygoing people I know.

I’m so proud of my parents for staying healthy and active. All this summer they’ve been biking around the area, often pedaling more than 20 miles a day. At a time when many of my friends’ parents are ailing and shopping for retirement homes, my parents are exercising more than I am!

Speaking of healthy, my mom looks 20 years younger than she is. In every picture of her with siblings or friends, you’d never guess she’s even close to the same age as the rest of the group. I’m grateful for those good genes, because people tell me I look 10 years younger as well…

Mom and Dad inspire me because they simply enjoy life. From their latest toy, an enormous hot tub…

… to trips all over the world …

… they’ve been a great example to me about how to enjoy what I have, and think often about the good things in my life.

They continue to amaze and inspire me, and I’m proud to be their son. Thanks for everything, Mom and Dad.