It’s been pretty chilly for about a month now, with temperatures hovering in the teens most days. We figured it was a waste of electricity to keep our hot tub simmering at 104 degrees, so I unplugged it. Now, with Thom and Katie coming to visit, and the temperatures climbing into the 30’s, it seemed like a good idea to fire it up again.
I shoveled all the snow and ice out of the way and opened it up. Hmm.

That’s a half-inch of ice across the surface of the tub. I punched through it and managed to break it into chunks, but the water is kind of “stale”– meaning it’s been in the tub for a few months now– and there’s some sediment I’d like to clear out. That means draining all the water, vacuuming and drying the interior, and then refilling it. Oh, and then cranking the heat again. All in 30-something-degree weather.
Sorry, Thom and Katie, no hot tub this time around.