Ollie’s about a year and a half old now, and he’s a ton of fun. Pepper and I had the opportunity to babysit him for a few hours, and we had a great time outside.
He loves pushing this Tonka dump truck up and down the sidewalks for blocks around the apartment. (Note: it’s not actually his truck; it usually just sits in the courtyard of the apartment complex and is apparently a communal truck for all the little kids.)

We went to the park, which was about half a mile away. His little legs got tired, so he got to ride “up high” with grandpa.

He loved the swing.

The slide was super lame, though. Grandma tried to make it fun, but basically the two of them just kind of slowly scootched down it, squeaking the whole way.

It’s fun to watch him explore and learn about the world. Before we know it, he’ll be a surly teenager who just wants to play video games and stare at his phone. I guess we should enjoy these days while we can!