
Another fun Hawai’ian place name to say is Ho’opi’i. We hadn’t been here on our previous trip to Kauai, but decided to check it out. The trail descended into a thick forest and crossed a shallow river.

Like many places in Hawai’i, everything was incredibly green. The underbrush was impassible, and vines absolutely covered the trees. It was kind of surreal.

Eventually we reached Ho’opi’i Falls, deep in the forest. They were really cool.

They’re much bigger than they look. After a snack at the falls, we headed back upriver and enjoyed just soaking our feet in the chilly water.

The hike was only a few miles, but (like the Kapa’a Bike Trail) we spent several hours enjoying it. Hiking here is unlike anywhere else I’ve ever been, with new wonders around each corner.