Back so soon?

Last year the Gundersons stopped in, and we had a great time together. Apparently the kids enjoyed it so much that they begged to come back this year. (Or at least that’s the story their mom told me… maybe she was just flattering me?) In any case, they did, in fact, come back!

Jet skis were the first order of business. Rhys and Brooke absolutely loved zipping around the lake. It was tricky to ride with them at times because they always sought out the waves and wakes to bump across and catch some air (which is, admittedly, the right thing to do with a jet ski). Here’s Rhys showing his dad how fast they can go…

… while Brooke shows me how sharply she can turn.

Then it was time to break out the tube. It’s such a blast to have younger kids who get so excited about being on the water! And of course it’s a blast to whip them around on a tube until they go tumbling out.

I was thrilled to hear that Rhys absolutely loves the card game Dominion. It’s one of my favorite games, and when I showed him my collection of thousands of cards– I have every one– he was gobsmacked. We played many games together, and he roped his (somewhat hesitant) family into joining us.

Skunk was a hoot.

We played Skull and Survive and then I showed them King of Tokyo, which was an instant hit.

The cherries were almost ripe, which meant we picked and ate them, but they weren’t quite at their prime. No matter– people seem to really enjoy picking cherries in our orchard!

As always, the time flew past, and soon they had to leave to continue north into Canada to visit family.

They stopped in Glacier on the way, and I told them about the cliff jumping at St Mary Falls. Cindy reported back that all the kids jumped!

Right before they left, Brooke asked her parents if they could make this a “new family tradition” and come up to visit us every year. The answer was something along the lines of a classic “we’ll see” but I hope it happens. We love having these yahoos.