Apparently AT&T overcharged us on a recent bill. I have no idea how, since we just use auto-pay every month, but whatever. They “refunded” us the overage by sending us a prepaid credit card. It’s a MasterCard that we can use at any store, and it’s been loaded with the amount we overpaid.
There’s just one problem: the amount on the card.

Yeah, it’s worth eighteen cents. This is ridiculous on so many levels. First, the postage required to send us this 18-cent card was over three times its value. There’s also the cost of the plastic and printing for the card itself. Whenever you use a credit card, MasterCard and the rest of the cabal charge merchants twenty cents plus some percentage of the amount (typically around 2.5%). So the fee to simply swipe the card is greater than the amount on the card!
Why AT&T couldn’t simply credit the money to us on our next bill is beyond me. Ugh.