#givethanks 4

Today I’m grateful for memes. Oh, I know, memes have been around for years and they’re really just a way to waste time on the internet, and they have no real redeeming quality in the advancement of the human race. But come on, they’re funny!

We have an ongoing “family group chat” consisting of me, Pepper, and the kids (including Kaitlyn). It’s a great place for us to coordinate on trips and visits, or share news, or occasionally talk about some completely random topic. And for some reason it’s also become a great place to share memes. In fact, I don’t think I’d be too far off if I said fully half of our “conversations” in the group chat are just trading hilarious memes back and forth.

Sometimes, though, it gets ugly.

For example, I sent this the other day.

To which Kyra responded:

I couldn’t let that go, so I whipped up a visual response:

I thought that would be the end of it. You can’t beat a giant flying wrestler, right? Well, Alex fired a salvo:

Ouch, that hurt. And by “that hurt” I mean “that made me actually bust up laughing”. These kids are pretty clever. My response to Alex was this:

And then Kaitlyn took up the torch:

And on and on it goes. Although I know in my heart that I spend far too much time cranking out these little visual jokes, it’s sure a blast to trade barbs with the kids.

Now I have to go amend my will…