#givethanks 7

Today I’m grateful for sleeping in. I’m very much a night person, and rarely get to bed before midnight. Even then I’m not really tired, but I know if I’m up until one or two in the morning, I’ll pay for it the next day. Then I’m usually awake at eight. Here’s my clock this morning:

I really don’t like getting up early, although of course I can do it when needed. Six years of 5:30 alarms for early-morning seminary was rough. And four years of that was combined with working full-time (which meant many late nights), ultimate leagues, and raising kids. Most of the time I’d get around six hours of sleep each night.

I feel like our culture almost prides itself on not getting much sleep. People sort of brag about how little they’ve slept, or how hard they’ve been working, or why they’re so busy they can’t seem to find enough hours to get a proper night’s rest. And at the same time, there are countless research studies that show with little doubt that everyone absolutely needs 7-9 hours of sleep consistently, or they’re in for a world of health problems and even a shorter lifespan. Everyone knows sleep is important, but we still seem to prioritize other things.

Since finishing seminary, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in almost every day. Sure, there are some extra late nights, or those times when I toss and turn a bit before finally drifting off, but overall I’d say I’ve been pretty fortunate in getting seven or so hours of solid sleep. Hopefully I live a little longer as a result!