
“First do it, then do it right, then do it better.”

– Addy Osmani

Today I spent a good chunk of the day working on my latest game, Dicee. After many hours of working on artwork and layout, and many more hours putting together the design files to be sent to the print company, I reflected on the process. Zack and I invented Dicee on December 29. Today I shipped it for production. That’s a journey from concept to printing of eight days. Considering that Hexteria (which later became Indio) took over two years for that same journey, I’d say I’m getting better at this.

My little mini-career of designing board games, which continues to be a fun hobby but certainly not professional or income-producing, has been a reminder that doing something over and over will almost certainly make you good at it. The same thing has occurred in my photography work, which now spans decades.

A few years ago, I quoted William Wordsworth: “To begin, begin.” Onward and upward. Better and better.