I was riding with Zack on the interstate today, and some guy zoomed past and cut us off. I made some comment about how that guy must really be in a hurry… I wonder why. Zack replied that whenever that sort of thing happens, he invents a reason for the other person’s behavior.
His grandma just won the lottery, and he’s rushing to her house to help her claim the prize.
His cat just had kittens, and he wants to see them right away.
He’s running late for an interview for his dream job.
And so on. It was kind of cool to stop for a moment and think that maybe, just maybe, that rude driver had a legitimate reason to be rude. After all, there have been times in my life when I’ve been rude, and naturally it was always for a good reason.
Perhaps I need to adopt this Zacklosophy in my life, and it’ll keep me from judging others quite so much.