Sehr schick

One of the things I’ll probably be doing a lot on the mission is wearing a suit.

I’m not really a fan of dressing up, and much prefer being barefoot (or wearing sandals, if I’m out in public) with shorts or jeans and a t-shirt. But missionaries are a bit more formal, and since Pepper and I will be teaching church classes almost every day, we decided it was probably time to update our wardrobe a bit. My suit dates back about fifteen years, and I have a “backup” suit that Mom and Dad bought me in high school (yes, it still fits).

She went out with the hijas, and they spent something like four hours in thrift shops and various clothing stores around town. I had my weekly game with the Mahjongg Mafia, followed by board games and pizza at Rosa’s, and then hit a few stores myself. Since I’m not really very knowledgeable about what looks good, I texted a few photos to the ladies to get their opinion.

Despite my facial expressions and bare feet, they said they loved the suit. So now I have a third one. Hopefully I’ll be as stylish as my wife as we serve!