Standing desks x 2

Over the last few years, Pepper and I have become quite enamored with our standing desks. It’s awesome to be able to sit for a while, then stretch a bit and stand. We love that they’re motorized and can adjust to various heights.

Here in our new digs, we don’t have the luxury of custom-designed built-in standing desks, so we have to make do. We’ve been using a couple of folding tables, and they’ve been… fine. But not great. Thinking back to my ghetto desk thirteen years ago, we headed over to Home Depot and bought four cinder blocks. Bam, a standing desk for less than eight bucks!

Although she doesn’t mind standing all the time, I prefer the option to switch, so I bought an adjustable desk on Amazon. It arrived today and I built it in about twenty minutes. For the cheap price, it’s actually pretty sturdy and well-built.

A bit at a time, we’re putting together the comforts of home in our new home.