
When we packed for our mission, I intentionally didn’t bring many board games. Although I have almost a hundred in my closet, many of them are complex and take a while to play. I didn’t figure I’d run into people who have the same passion for gaming as my group in Bigfork. Also, space was at a premium and games take up a lot of it. After discussing it with Pepper, we did agree to bring King of Tokyo and Catch Phrase, both of which are fairly simple and fun for a group.

Now that we’re here, I’ve found that many of the young missionaries enjoy games. Skull King is a classic; here are The Boys in the middle of a hand:

Earlier this week we played Scum, and ended up with twelve people in the game. We found two decks of enormous playing cards and laughed as we awkwardly shuffled and played them.

Inspired by their enthusiasm for these simple games, I decided to expand my meager game collection here by adding a few party games:

These are all easy to learn, good for a group, and inexpensive. Unfortunately I already have them in my collection back in Montana! I guess we’ll enjoy them here, and then donate them to a worthy cause when we finish our mission. In the meantime, I’m excited to teach the young missionaries some real games…