Cookies on the dash

It truly is amazing how hot it is here in El Centro. We step outside and it feels like when you’re baking cookies and open the oven door, and feel a blast of heat hit your face. Except here, that blast of heat just… keeps coming. You walk around in it.

Speaking of cookies, one of the young missionaries we’re serving with mentioned the other day that he was thinking of frying an egg on the sidewalk. I asked what he thought of baking cookies in his car. He thought it was a great idea, and this morning I whipped up a batch of chocolate-chip cookie dough. I gave a little baggie of dough to each of the ten missionaries in our area, including him. Most of them just ate the dough (no judgement– that’s perfectly legitimate). But Elder Bushman brought out a baking pan, set little cookie dough balls on it, and let it sit.

Here’s the video he made (actually three videos in sequence):

Although they’re not quite like you’d get in the oven, I thought it was hilarious that they actually baked. That’s hot.