Hot wedding

A few weeks ago we met Gloria. She’s one of those people whose personality is just huge, and you instantly feel like you’ve known her for years. She invited us to her wedding ceremony, which surprised us… normally you’d only invite family and close friends. We’d only known her for a few weeks! But she said we already felt like old friends, and she’d be honored to have us join her on the big day.

Who are we to refuse? We drove out to the Redlands Temple, which (like all temples) is beautiful.

There were about thirty people in the ceremony, so it was a pretty small crowd. Afterward, we waited outside for the newly-married couple to join us.

Although we weren’t in the valley (where temperatures were around 115), it was probably 85 degrees, so standing outside for photos was pretty hot. The couple wisely posed under a tree.

Everyone drove back to the valley for the big party that evening. The reception probably included three hundred people…

… and of course it included a mariachi band.

Around here, you can pretty much find mariachi bands at every wedding, graduation party, and quinceañera. They’re a ton of fun (although they look pretty stoic in my picture).

We met some new friends at the table where we ate dinner. Mari (“like Maria without the A”, she said) and her sister Lorena were a riot.

They’re both in their seventies but have the spark of thirty-year-olds. Lorena knew Gloria (the bride) through her son. Mari didn’t know her at all, but has worked at Costco for twelve years and literally knew people at the wedding just because of that. Mari and her husband ride Harleys and make an annual pilgrimage to Sturgis; in fact, that’s where he proposed to and married her a few years back. It was a blast to hang out with them for the evening.

I can also say it was the hottest wedding I’ve ever attended, because the air conditioning was on the fritz and the reception hall (or “gym” as the uncouth would call it) was easily 85 degrees. Add a few hundred people and little airflow, and it was a bit rough. But hey, if nothing else it’ll give the bride and groom a good story to tell their kids someday.

Here’s wishing all the best to Gloria and Carlos as they start their new life together!