Desert life

We visited our friend Tracy today. She lives way out in the desert, in a little resort community. In the winter, it’s absolutely hopping and she says there are easily three thousand people in their homes and campers.

In the summer, however, it’s a different story. It’s a ghost town. She says there might be a hundred people at best. The reason was evident on the little weather station in her house:

With a heat index of 133 degrees, it’s not a lot of fun to be outside.

Still, we decided to hop in her trusty little golf cart and take a tour of the place.

It’s a great little area, with nice pools, spas, a well-equipped gym, entertainment rooms, a library, a general store, and all the stuff you’d want if you were spending a few months of the winter in the middle of the desert.

But 133. Sheesh.