Cleaned and sealed

We’ve had our paved driveway for almost two years. It’s been great, but in order to keep it great we need to take care of it. The asphalt should easily last ten years, and we’ve been told from multiple sources that having it seal-coated can extend that to twenty years. Given the exhorbitant cost of so much paving, we figured it was worth the additional cost to seal it.

After an impressive series of delays, it finally happened today. Because the crew needed to spray the coating directly onto the asphalt, they had to clean it first. Following a bit of magic with a sweeper truck, all the winter sand and pine needles and dirt were gone. Then they walked the length of the driveway– all 1,800 feet– and coated it.

The result looks gorgeous.

Of course it won’t take long for it to be littered with debris again, but for just a moment it looks brand new.

The strange thing about this particular house project is that we’re a thousand miles away. I arranged the contractor and coordinated the work, but it was all done while we’re in California. Greta sent these photos. Our house continues to get better, even when we’re gone…