Walk and water

These days, the August temperatures continue to soar to around 110 every afternoon. The only time anyone wants to be outside is when the sun isn’t around: either crazy early or later in the evening. We’d been busy with a lot of projects in the apartment and at the church, and were feeling a little stir-crazy, so we decided to stretch our legs a bit on a walk.

We headed out around 6pm, which was probably too early. It was still stupid hot.

But we’re no dummies… we wore our swimsuits! We went about three miles along sidewalks and canals, finally returning to our apartment complex where we jumped into the pool.

Ahh, much better. The water feels like a bath– with the summer sun baking it all day (and most nights), it’s not a crisp, cool, refreshing temperature. But just being submerged felt oh so nice.