This evening we got a call from the missionaries. Their car had just been hit by another driver who’d run a stop sign, and they weren’t sure what to do. We headed over to the scene of the accident.
The car wasn’t driveable, so they were waiting for a tow truck and talking with a police officer on the scene. No one was hurt, thankfully, and the officer was a little amused by the situation. The other driver, after hitting the missionaries, sped away. But she left something behind.

The entire front bumper of her car– along with the license plate– was lying on the side of the road! Also, a bunch of neighborhood people had been outside in their yard, witnessed the accident, and chased her down on foot until the police arrived. Lesson: if you’re going to commit a hit-and-run crime, be sure to take your bumper with you, and don’t drive slow enough for the neighbors to catch you.