Mission wall

I’ve been thinking about how to decorate our little apartment, and my first experiment in printing a poster-size photo and framing it failed pretty spectacularly. The print was far more expensive than it should’ve been, and the frame I bought at a thrift store (much cheaper than a custom-cut frame from Michael’s or wherever) ended up breaking. In the end, we have a wrinkled, sad-looking little print hanging on a dark wall.

I realized that standard 4×6″ photo prints at Walmart are really cheap, and can cover a lot of wall space. Instead of large prints and frames, why not have a hundred– or hundreds– of little prints stuck to the wall?


There are about seventy photos from the first quarter of our missionary adventures. Pepper pointed out that I’ve already used about half of the wall space in the living room, but I figure I’ll just wrap around to the other walls later.

For now, it’s fun to see reminders of the awesome people we’ve met and things we’ve done on our mission as we’re heading out the door or sitting on the couch. More to come!