After our time with Mom and Dad, we were driving back from the San Diego Airport and decided we’d go on a hike up in the mountains that separate the city from our home in the Valley. The landscape is still a desert, but the hills are covered with interesting boulders. A bit of sleuthing turned up some hikes in the vicinity of Jacumba, so we pulled off the interstate and looked for them.
We couldn’t find the trails! I guess they’re out there somewhere, but the desert is trackless and all looks the same. After driving down increasingly sketchy dusty roads, we figured we’d just get out and make our own trail. The area is all federal land, so we weren’t trespassing or anything. We chose the highest peak in the distance and decided to climb to the top.
Of course it always looks easier from far away. Without a trail, we had to pick our way through countless prickly bushes, barrel cacti, and the ubiquitous cholla.

Even though it’s February, the sun was scorching. It was in the 80s, with no shade and nothing but dust and dry sharp plants poking at us. We reached the hill and started up. Again, it was more difficult than it seemed.

But we scrambled to the summit and surveyed the desert all around.

I still don’t know where the trail is (or if there even is one) but it was a good time nonetheless.