
Dad says the American Forecasting Model predicts a big snowstorm in Denver tomorrow, but today it was almost 60 degrees and I figured I couldn’t pass up weather like that. So I hooked up with a group of friends and we played five-on-five ultimate in about a foot and half of snow.

Whoa, that was a lot of work! Running in snow like that is akin to running through the surf on the beach– you have to lift your legs high enough to clear the snow. Of course the fact that some areas had lots of crisscrossing footprints while others were still pristine made for a minefield of adventure. And not surprisingly, I couldn’t resist the chance to dive for a pass and skid across the snow (out of showmanship more than necessity).

It was a good time nonetheless, even if all of us were completely exhausted and couldn’t feel our feet. As we all climbed into our cars and stripped off our wet gear, someone commented that it’s not often you have to wring out your socks after a game. Whee!