
A fun poem demonstrating the quirks of English spelling:

When the English tongue we speak,
Why is break not rhymed with freak?
Will you tell me why it’s true
We say sew but likewise few?
And the maker of the verse,
Cannot rhyme his horse with worse?
Beard is not the same as heard
Cord is different from word.
Cow is cow but low is low
Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
Think of hose, dose,and lose.


Back in high school, we always knew that Aron would be a politician. Although he’s made a nice career thus far out of doing statistics and analysis (who knew?) he just took his first step into the political arena by being elected an alderman of Racine, Wisconsin.

And so it begins. When he’s President I’m hoping he appoints me the Director of Homeland Security. Whee!


Well, it just happened. The time and date was

01:02:03 04/05/06

I didn’t feel any cosmic shifting, nor did I have any breathtaking inspirations. Dang.


There’s a fabulous article over at Something Awful (warning– the site may be offensive to those without a sense of humor) about what the United States could have done with the 250 billion dollars already spent on the Iraqi war. Allow me to quote from some of the better choices:

With 250 billion dollars the United States could have purchased…

…more than 80,000 of the world’s biggest truck!

We like things big in America, but South Africa and Australia get to have a modest glut of the world’s biggest truck. According to the truck’s creator only 50 to 75 are ordered every year. Why would we ever need to go to war again if we have 80,000 of these trucks? We could just drive over anyone who opposed us like some sort of apocalyptic monster truck rally.

…298,412,466 Sony Wega 23″ LCD HDTVs!

That number may not seem to clarify the issue, but it is an HDTV for every single person in the United States of America. Man, woman, child. Old or young. Everybody gets an HDTV from Sony courtesy of the government. Even better, the actual cost of doing this is only about 235 billion, leaving another 15 billion to actually ship the things all over the country and probably enough on top of that to buy a DVD player for everyone. Too bad the Democrats were too busy falling over each other to be the first in line to vote for the Iraq war. They really could have pitched this one to the people. “Guys, look, we could go get misguided revenge and blow up Iraq…or…we have this beautiful 23 inch crystal-clear Sony HDTV for each and every American citizen.” The thing is, this is probably going to cost another 250 billion, so why don’t the Democrats pitch this to the American people now? “We’ll bring the troops home and hey, everybody gets a TV!”

…every adult man and woman in Iraq $16,000 and a plane ticket to the United States!

This probably isn’t such a hot idea now that most of them want to smack us in the face with shoes, but instead of invading their country to get rid of Saddam and turning it into an apocalyptic hellstorm of violence we could have just flown everyone who wanted out to America. They’d have a nice startup nest egg. They could put a down payment on a decent 3-bedroom house somewhere in the Midwest, get jobs and live the life of freedom we seem to cherish so much. Everyone’s happy! The money we gave them goes right back into local economies, we get a bunch of great folks from Iraq to enrich our melting pot culture, all of the people who hate Saddam get to leave him in the dust, and the dumb jerks who like Saddam can stick around.

The mind boggles.


Man, I crack myself up.

My friend Rick put together a paintball site so our group can coordinate games and swap war stories and whatever. As part of our user logins, we can choose an “avatar”, which is an image that represents us. Of course there are a bunch of standard choices– smiley faces and Calvin and Dilbert and whatever. But I dug up an awesome photo to use as my avatar.

Now every time I read one of my messages in the forums, I bust out laughing. For some reason that picture tickles me.


It’s funny how music evokes memory.

I’m working, jamming to some tunes (yes, it’s All 80’s All Day again), and my playlist just hit “Centerfold” by the J. Geils Band. It’s a classic song, and has a great beat, even though the lyrics are questionable.

In any case, suddenly into my head jumped the memory of some dance contest in college, where a bunch of guys from 4 North were floundering around the cafeteria while this song blared from the DJ system. For whatever reason, that’s the image I’ll forever associate with this song.

So. Mike Pinkerton, or Scott Greer, or Mike Chupka, or any of you other crazy ex-4-North people, thanks for the memories. I think.


Google Local is awesome for finding places quickly. I’m arranging a lunch with a potential client this week, and suggested we go to Gunbarrel Deli just north of Boulder. Since she doesn’t know the address, I hopped over to Google Local and entered

Gunbarrel Deli, Gunbarrel CO

The map appeared, and it immediately picked the right address. But, oddly enough, it also listed the Commercial Truck Driving division of the Chattanooga State Technical Community College (notice the “I” pin on Tennessee). Uhh…?


I’m on the phone with the IRS to ask some questions about my corporate tax, and after navigating the various voice-mail menus, I was put on the line with some guy who introduced himself like this:

“Thank you for calling the Internal Revenue Service. My name is Mr. Monopoly, and my employee ID is…”

Wow, Mr. Monopoly. What a name for an IRS guy.


Today’s recipe for riches:

1) Sneak into a bartender contest at a local TGI Friday’s restaurant.
2) Have your 18-year-old friend buy you drinks, since of course you’re underage.
3) Continue drinking until your blood-alcohol level is 0.238% (three times the legal limit).
4) Pass out in the parking lot, shattering your teeth.

And, wait for it…

5) Sue TGI Friday’s for $200,000 because they were “negligent” selling beer to your friend.

Tyler Bauer of New Market, Maryland is doing just this. Because, as we all know in America these days, nothing is ever your fault, it’s the fault of someone else… hopefully someone with lots of cash.

Here’s a classic Bloom County cartoon from twenty years ago: