In the past, missionaries serving from the church were only allowed to call home two days each year: Christmas and Mother’s Day. Recent changes give the missionaries more leeway in their communication, and Elder Schroeder told me this morning he’d like to call for Father’s Day. Sweet!
He showed up on our video chat munching on a bag of candy corn. Typical.

We had a great chat, and he told us stories about things he’s been doing on his mission in Oklahoma: talking with people, making videos, wearing a mask, etc. I was surprised to learn he’s been teaching himself to play the piano! He shared a few songs from memory.

At one point he launched into a crazy story about a car chase involving a Honda Odyssey, followed by some parkour stunts while wielding a samurai sword. It was a very animated story.

Turns out it was all a dream.

It was from his dream journal, which he’s been keeping since he took a psychology class in high school. His dreams are… interesting.
We talked for over an hour, which was great. It’s good to hear he’s doing well and loving missionary life. What a good lad (as he would say).