I can see my house from here

Today was an amazing warm, sunny day… I think the ol’ mercury hit 77 degrees, which is the hottest it’s been since we’ve lived here. When we looked out our window and saw how flat Flathead Lake was, we knew we had to hit the water.

A gentle breeze gave the otherwise glass-smooth water a few languid waves.

I took my brother-in-law, Jim, out for a spin. He and his wife are visiting for a few weeks. He seemed a little timid at first.

But he soon got the hang of it, and was zipping across the lake.

We headed north along the shoreline, until I found the dock that belongs to my neighbors. It has their name on it, which makes it pretty easy to spot. Their land is immediately south of ours, so I knew that if I moved out from shore I’d be able to see our house way up on the hill. Sure enough, it was peeking out of the forest halfway up the mountain. Immediately to the north of us are our other neighbors, and they have a fairly nice house. It, too, is easy to find on the water. Here’s our house in the center, with the neighbors on either side.

It’s surprisingly difficult to find landmarks from the water; everything looks very different from that perspective.

After Jim and I turned south for a tour of Blue Bay, we came back to meet Pepper and Kyra, and I swapped my jet ski for a paddleboard. Because the water was so smooth, it was awesome to just stroke gently across Yellow Bay. Wow, what a great day. Summer’s getting closer!