Yesterday a woman was tromping around the forest lot to the north of us. I chatted with her, and she explained she was performing a plot survey for the people who had just moved into the house down on the water. The lot is beside ours, and extends down to Flathead Lake (a total of roughly 27 acres). There’s nothing but trees on the hillside by us– the house is on the lower portion of the lot.
So Pepper and I decided we should go and meet our new neighbors. We walked down our driveway (a third of a mile) and then walked down theirs (another half-mile) and introduced ourselves. They were very friendly and down-to-earth, and grateful that we’d come “all that way” to say hi.
Their house is amazing. I found the real estate listing; here are some of the photos.

Yeah, an indoor pool. With a fantastic view of the lake. And around 15,000 square feet of living space. Wow. I thought our house was big for two people…
They’re really nice folks and we’re looking forward to getting to know them. All of our other neighbors are gone for the winter, so we still haven’t actually met any of them.