Tonight was a senior missionary event in San Diego, so as usual we went west early to spend some time in the city beforehand. We did our best to organize some activities with friends, but schedules didn’t match up. We managed to get lunch at Which Wich (third on my list of best sandwich joints) with the Knudsens:
We really wanted to go on a hike (we don’t get much opportunity to hike during our mission) and we had about three hours, so we headed up to Poway to see the legendary Potato Chip Rock. The trail is almost eight miles out and back, which meant we had to hustle. There was a lot of uphill. A lot.
I had to stop to meditate for a moment.
At last we reached the summit of Mount Woodson, where the famous rock formation is. It’s pretty cool!
From the top, the Poway area is spread out below. In the far distance is the Pacific Ocean. What a view!
The clock was ticking, so we hustled back down the trail and managed to make it to the mission event with about three minutes to spare. Nice!
I was reading some forum discussions about game design, and loved this:
Your gems are in the back of the stack: [junk, junk, mostly junk, kinda junk, gem]. Gotta keep popping the stack.
bloomingkales @ Hacker News
It’s programmer humor, but I like what it reminds me about game design. I just have to keep plugging away, designing one after another, until I find a gem.
It was just a week ago that we went out to Phoenix for a family reunion. And now the family was coming to us! Dave and Jeanele were taking two of their granddaughters (our grand-nieces) out to Sea World, and we just happen to live half a mile off the interstate they’d be driving. So they stopped in.
They were only staying for the night, so we had a few hours together. We taught them the classic card game Cover Your Assets, which they loved. Veja learned to do a bridge shuffle…
… while Tallie just loved grabbing everyone else’s money stashes and adding to her pile.
In the morning they were on their way, and we said goodbye again for the second time in a week.
We’re going to see them again soon. No, seriously.
After our time with Mom and Dad, we were driving back from the San Diego Airport and decided we’d go on a hike up in the mountains that separate the city from our home in the Valley. The landscape is still a desert, but the hills are covered with interesting boulders. A bit of sleuthing turned up some hikes in the vicinity of Jacumba, so we pulled off the interstate and looked for them.
We couldn’t find the trails! I guess they’re out there somewhere, but the desert is trackless and all looks the same. After driving down increasingly sketchy dusty roads, we figured we’d just get out and make our own trail. The area is all federal land, so we weren’t trespassing or anything. We chose the highest peak in the distance and decided to climb to the top.
Of course it always looks easier from far away. Without a trail, we had to pick our way through countless prickly bushes, barrel cacti, and the ubiquitous cholla.
Even though it’s February, the sun was scorching. It was in the 80s, with no shade and nothing but dust and dry sharp plants poking at us. We reached the hill and started up. Again, it was more difficult than it seemed.
But we scrambled to the summit and surveyed the desert all around.
I still don’t know where the trail is (or if there even is one) but it was a good time nonetheless.
When Mom and Dad were visiting last week, we went through the Balboa Park Botanical Building. The plants were quite pretty, and I started snapping pictures. I was interested in the patterns and symmetry of the leaves. Here are a few that I liked:
Even the roof of the garden had a fascinating look:
Outside, as we continued through Balboa Park, I saw a few other cool architectural features. This one struck me:
We’ve been on our mission for nine months now, and our many trips out to San Diego have helped us find a lot of interesting things to see. When Mom and Dad started talking about coming out to visit us, we were excited and immediately started planning dates and things to do.
After we picked them up at the airport, we headed up the coast to Ocean Beach, where we all enjoyed amazing Hodad’s burgers.
Then we walked along the shoreline, enjoying the setting sun and all the… err, interesting people who hang out in Ocean Beach.
The following day we’d planned a few things in the city. We started at Cabrillo National Monument, which has a wonderful view of the bay and parts of the city. Unfortunately the fog hadn’t burned off yet, so there were thick layers of white clouds covering all of it.
Nonetheless, it was a beautiful sunny day and we spent some time down at the ocean walking around the tidepools.
Then we headed over to Balboa Park, one of our favorite areas to wander. The buildings and architecture are all really interesting.
Some of my photos will be the subject of another post. We had a grand time at the park.
The next day, it was time for some hiking. We’d heard good things about Annie’s Canyon, an area on the edge of the city featuring some trails and a slot canyon. Away we went! The slot canyon definitely delivered: it was super narrow.
Then we thought we’d check in on La Jolla, which is known for its coves and seals. In a minor miracle, we found a good parking spot right near the beach. We watched the seals for a bit, although they all pretty much look like big inert lumps of blubber.
I love the ocean, though, and it’s always great to hear the crash of the surf.
Mom and Dad were only visiting for a few days, and they wanted to see the Imperial Valley as well. So we headed east from San Diego on the hundred-mile drive to our home. Along the way we stopped at the Desert View Tower, which is a rickety old stone-and-wood structure high atop some rocks overlooking the freeway. We’ve seen it every time we drive past, and thought it would be fun to stop.
It lived up to its name– indeed, there was a view of the desert.
Other than that, it was basically a flea market inhabited by two grizzled old men (one was the owner, the other his friend visiting from Canada). But now we can say we’ve been there.
There isn’t much to do in the Valley, but of course Salvation Mountain is a famous spot. We drove out there and enjoyed the sight of a hundred thousand gallons of colorful paint.
We also dropped by the Pioneer Museum, and enjoyed meals at a few local restaurants.
Betwixt all the driving and sightseeing, we had a wonderful opportunity to just hang out and chat. It’s always good to spend time together. Thanks for making the trip, Mom and Dad!
When we were first married, Pepper’s family would have reunions every year. Her parents, siblings, and all their kids would get together in mid-July… often somewhere in Idaho or Utah, which was close to most of them. I remember it being sort of overwhelming at first, when there were sixty or more people who I didn’t really know. Learning names was a challenge, as was figuring out who belonged to who. Of course as the years passed I figured out the names and relationships.
The family has grown a lot, and now our nieces and nephews have their own adult kids, so it’s hard to get everyone together for a reunion. It’s shifted to every other year, and we meet up with whoever can make it. It’s still great fun to see the crowd and catch up a bit.
Two years ago, we all agreed to have the reunion in Arizona instead of Idaho, and in February instead of July. It would make for an interesting change. And through sheer coincidence (or was it providence?) we ended up serving a mission in California, a short four-hour drive away. So we were able to attend.
Most of the siblings were there, as well as a few of their kids. Since February in Arizona has great weather, we were able to do all sorts of things outdoors. We had a desert hike…
Pepper had a really cute hiking companion: our grand-niece Eve.
A few of “the guys” snuck out one night for some burgers.
I also managed to pop over to Potbelly, one of my top three favorite sandwich shops.
With around fifty people, there was always something going on. At times that meant fitting a nap in between activities.
I really enjoyed spending time with a gaggle of my grand-nieces:
We were so grateful that the reunion happened when we could attend, and it was awesome to see everyone for a weekend.
We drove through Yuma today on our way to Phoenix, and our good friends Gary and Susie happened to be in town from Bigfork. Naturally we had to meet them for lunch!
We haven’t seen them since we left for our mission, so we had a lot of catching up to do. We were at our table for almost three hours. It was awesome.
Afterward we stepped outside for a group photo and found a big fork (get it?) right on Main Street. It seemed fitting.
Although it’s a two-hour drive to San Diego (and back), we always enjoy spending time at our monthly mission zone conferences. In addition to lessons and inspiring messages, it’s an opportunity to see old friends who are no longer serving in the Valley with us.
Since we’re in “the big city”, it’s also an opportunity to get lunch at some of our favorite restaurants. We joined the newest senior missionary couple at our favorite sandwich shop, Cheba Hut!